Finding affordable pet insurance can be a painful process, especially if you don't know where to look. You know as a pet owner that insurance is important because of how expensive emergency vet visits can well as regular checkups. Yes, those can accumulate very quickly right under your nose, and when you tally up the year's expenses they can be very surprising.
In this article you will learn exactly why getting pet insurance is a smart investment and where you can go to get it for very affordable prices.
Don't put yourself in this position...
If you've been in the unfortunate position of having to choose between saving your pet's life and paying for their medical expenses, then you know all too well what I'm talking about. This is a terrible decision to have to make, especially when your kids are crying and you know that you don't have the money to pay over $1000 in vet bills for a necessary or even emergency operation.
What do you do? Do you explain to your kids - and to yourself - that it's just the pet's time and that this is what's supposed to happen, or do you pay the bill and sacrifice in order to save your pet's life? This shouldn't have to be such a dramatic and moral decision.
<>There's a much better option...
This option is finding affordable pet insurance. You see, just like health insurance for people, insurance for pets works the same way. It protects them for possible diseases, accidents, and necessary operations - you know, the unfortunate and unpredictable - that come up beyond our control.
It does cost money, but far less than what you'd expect to have to pay to protect your pet's life.
How much does it cost?
You can find affordable pet insurance. In fact, most of them range from $8 to $20 a month depending on your pet's breed, age, gender, health history, and a few other factors. Just so you know, dogs are usually the most expensive animal to insure, as expected by their activity levels and their size.
You can expect to pay co-pays when visiting the vet for regular check-ups. You can also expect to pay a deductible when going for emergency visits and scheduled surgeries. Just like regular health insurance, the lower the co-pays and deductibles, the higher the premiums.
This is something you will ultimately have to decide on when price comparing. How much would you be willing to pay upfront in case of an emergency? This will help you get a lower price when you are ready.
Where can I find the most affordable pet insurance?
I've personally asked my vet and looked all over the internet for the best deals and have found very affordable rates for my small dog. She's a mixed breed, small, and hasn't gotten really sick, so I don't have to spend more than $10 a month to cover her. But I may have had to if I didn't do my research.
Luckily there are sites online where you can compare prices among quite a few different insurers. It's easy to put in your dog's criteria, your location, and the range of co-pays and deductibles you're comfortable with, and to get instant quotes right on your screen. You can then get in touch with the insurers you are the most interested in. It really made my search a breeze.
I have to admit that I was the type of pet owner that believed my dog would never get sick and that I didn't have to pay attention to finding affordable pet insurance. But after I had a friend who's dog died because they knew they couldn't afford the vet bill, I decided that I wasn't going to let that happen to me. Get pet insurance and give your family some peace of mind.
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